Alabama Initial School Counselor Certification

AKA: Professional Educator Certification for School Counselors

School Counselor Certification

by School Counselor Certification Staff

Updated: June 12th, 2024

The Need for School Counselors in Alabama

Alabama’s education system relies on experienced professionals to guide students through academic, personal, and career challenges. School counselors play a critical role as advocates, mentors, and facilitators, making a significant impact on students’ overall well-being.

They go beyond providing direction. School counselors actively support students on their journey of growth and self-discovery, fostering an environment that promotes both academic success and personal development. Their influence extends beyond the classroom. By imparting confidence, resilience, and a sense of purpose, these dedicated professionals help shape students’ future paths.

Why Alabama’s School Counselor Certification Matters

The Alabama school counselor certification process is designed to ensure student safety and counselor quality. Here’s how:

  • Rigorous Screening: Candidates are carefully screened to meet qualifications and have a clean record, minimizing potential harm to students.
  • High Standards: The certification process sets high bars for entry into the profession, protecting its integrity.
  • Qualified Counselors: Certification ensures counselors are qualified to contribute to a safe and productive learning environment for students.
  • Credibility and Compensation: Having a certificate strengthens a counselor’s credibility and can influence better compensation in competitive job markets.

Alabama Initial School Counselor Certification

Initial certification by the standard pathway is called the Professional Educator Certification for School Counselors.

The Alabama Professional Educator Certification for school counselors is designed for individuals who have effectively completed a school counseling program at the master’s degree level, which holds accreditation from CACREP (Council for Accreditation of Counseling and Related Educational Programs).

This certification grants individuals the authority to serve as school counselors within the public school system in Alabama. The certification is valid for a specified amount of time, five years. The certification can normally be renewed several times if the renewal requirements are met. Counselors must demonstrate ongoing professional development by completing a specified number of continuing education credits to retain their certification.

Education or Degree Requirements

Completion of a CACREP-accredited school counseling master’s degree program is mandatory. This requirement emphasizes the necessity for the school counseling program to be accredited by the Council for Accreditation of Counseling and Related Educational Programs (CACREP). This accreditation ensures that the program meets high standards in terms of curriculum and training.

Official transcripts verifying all credits and degrees, including a master’s degree, are also required. Applicants must submit official transcripts that provide a comprehensive record of their academic achievements, including all completed courses and degrees. This is essential for evaluating the applicant’s educational background and ensuring they meet the necessary qualifications.

Tips: Ensure that the chosen master’s program is accredited by CACREP and pay close attention to maintaining academic excellence throughout the program.

Experience Requirements

This applies to students who started their school counseling program on or after August 1, 2010. Here’s what you’ll need to complete:

  • Practicum (100 hours): You’ll gain experience working directly with students in a school setting. This includes at least 40 hours of supervised individual and group counseling with both elementary and secondary school students.
  • Internship (600 hours): After completing the practicum, you’ll participate in a longer internship (at least 600 hours) supervised by a qualified school counselor. This internship will allow you to practice all the skills expected of a school counselor, working with students of all ages (early childhood, elementary, and secondary). At least 240 hours of this internship must be spent directly working with students.

Important Note: The school counselor supervising your internship must hold a valid master’s degree and be a certified school counselor employed in a P-12 (elementary and secondary) school.

Testing Requirements

Applicants will need to pass the AECAP-required School Counseling Praxis test(s).

The ASCA School Counselor Professional Standards & Competencies exam measures the mindsets and behaviors needed by school counselors to satisfy the expectations of the profession as well as the requirements of their students. History, role, human growth, ethical principles, interventions, consultation, and collaboration are all included in the exam. It also assesses knowledge of evidence-based counseling strategies as well as the capacity to use that information in educational settings. Individual student, classroom, and school events must be analyzed and responded to for the test. Some questions may not be counted toward the final score.

Background Checks

A background check is required to ensure the safety and well-being of students under the care of certified school counselors. The background check typically involves a criminal history check and fingerprinting.

The Alabama State Bureau of Investigation (ASBI) and Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) have conducted criminal history background checks on applicants for initial, additional, and certificate renewal. Fieldprint, the authorized contractor, will facilitate scheduling, payment, and fingerprint collection on behalf of the Alabama State Department of Education (ALSDE).

Applicants, both in and out of state, must register for a background check by visiting AIMs. Applicants must create an AIM account before registering for fingerprint submission. Those unable to visit a designated fingerprint location can request fingerprint cards during the scheduling process.

Once fingerprint cards are received, applicants must contact a local law enforcement agency to be fingerprinted on the cards. After being fingerprinted, one completed fingerprint card must be sent to Fieldprint, Inc., and the second completed card should be kept for reprint notices.

Applicants living in a country other than the United States should wait until it is present in the United States to complete the fingerprint process. For more information, contact 334-694-4557.

Application Process

The application process involves submitting documentation of completed education and passing exam scores. To apply for certification, complete the application and submit it directly to the Alabama State Department of Education’s (ALSDE) Educator Certification Section at the following address:

Alabama State Department of Education Teacher Certification
Post Office Box 302101
Montgomery, AL 36130-2101
  • The application fee is set to increase to $38.00 on August 1, 2023.
  • Payment must be made in the form of a cashier’s check or money order payable to the Alabama State Department of Education (ALSDE).
  • Alternatively, payment can be made with a major credit card using the ALSDE Educator Certification Online Payment System.

If you pay online, a transaction fee will be applied. Include the cashier’s check, money order, or a copy of the receipt with the confirmation number for the online payment along with the application packet.