Arizona Initial School Counselor Certification

AKA: Arizona School Counselor, PreK-12

School Counselor Certification

by School Counselor Certification Staff

Updated: September 3rd, 2024

The Arizona School Counselor Certification is designed for individuals who wish to work as school counselors in grades PreK-12. This certification is authorized by the Arizona Department of Education and is a 12-year certificate that can be renewed with 15 hours of professional development per year, which may include continuing education in the area of college and career readiness.

The option of obtaining the Arizona School Counselor Certification is available in certain districts within the state to ensure that students have access to qualified professionals who can provide guidance and support with their academic, personal, social, and career development. It may be required by local governing boards in some districts.

School counselors play a crucial role in promoting school safety and enhancing students’ overall well-being. They assist students in setting and achieving academic goals, navigating social challenges, and exploring college and career options. Having certified school counselors helps districts meet the requirements for school counseling staff qualifications and ensures that students receive the necessary support and guidance throughout their educational journey.

Arizona Initial School Counselor Certification Requirements

Education and Experience Requirements

The education and experience requirements for the School Counselor PreK-12 certificate in Arizona vary depending on the option chosen.

Option A is suitable for those with a graduate program in guidance and counseling, Option B is suitable for individuals with a graduate program in counseling, social work, or psychology, Option C is suitable for those with a behavioral health license, and Option D is suitable for individuals with a graduate program in Academic Advising.

Each option caters to different backgrounds and experiences, allowing for a diverse range of professionals to become certified school counselors in Arizona (see the AZDOE for updated details as well). Here are the details for each option:

Option A: Traditional Route (Guidance and Counseling Graduate Program)

To qualify under Option A, applicants must have completed a graduate program in guidance and counseling from an accredited institution. They must also fulfill one of the following requirements:

  • Completion of a supervised counseling practicum in school counseling from an accredited institution, OR
  • Verification of two years of full-time experience as a school counselor, OR
  • Verification of three years of full-time teaching experience.

Option A is most suitable for individuals who have completed a graduate program specifically in guidance and counseling. It is also suitable for current or former school counselors or teachers who have relevant experience in the field.

Option B: Non-Traditional Route (Counseling, Social Work, or Psychology Graduate Program)

Under Option B, applicants must have completed a graduate program in counseling, social work, or psychology from an accredited institution. They also need to satisfy the following requirements:

  • Completion of six semester hours of courses in areas such as school counseling, college and career guidance, academic advising, AND
  • Fulfill one of the three requirements mentioned in Option A.

Option B is suitable for individuals who have a background in counseling, social work, or psychology. It is also a good option for those who have taken coursework related to school counseling or academic advising and have relevant experience as a school counselor or teacher.

Option C: Previous Certification (Behavioral Health License)

To qualify under Option C, applicants must hold a valid license as an associate counselor, professional counselor, master or clinical social worker, or marriage and family therapist issued by the Arizona Board of Behavioral Health Examiners. They also need to fulfill the following requirements:

  • Completion of six semester hours of courses in areas such as school counseling, college and career guidance, academic advising, AND
  • Satisfy one of the three requirements mentioned in Option A.

Option C is suitable for individuals who hold a valid license in behavioral health and have completed coursework in areas related to school counseling, college and career guidance, or academic advising. It is also a good option for those who have relevant experience as a school counselor or teacher.

Option D: Academic Advising Program

Under Option D, applicants must have completed a graduate program in Academic Advising from an accredited institution. They also need to satisfy the following requirements:

  • Completion of six semester hours of courses in areas such as social and emotional development, mental health counseling, trauma, and disaster counseling, multiculturalism in counseling, theories of counseling, the foundation of school counseling, child and adolescent counseling, AND
  • Fulfill one of the three requirements mentioned in Option A.

Option D is suitable for individuals who have completed a graduate program specifically in Academic Advising. It is also a good option for those who have taken coursework in areas related to counseling and have relevant experience as a school counselor or teacher.

Background Checks

The Arizona School Counselor Certification Requirements document outlines the necessity and procedure of undergoing a background check to obtain certification. With the ultimate goal of ensuring the safety and well-being of students, this meticulous process is indispensable for all aspiring school counselors.

To meet these requirements, candidates must submit their fingerprints for an FBI fingerprint-based criminal history record check. The applicant’s fingerprints are then cross-referenced against databases maintained by federal law enforcement agencies, including records from other states if applicable.

Moreover, individuals must also complete a state-level fingerprint clearance card application that certifies they have met all necessary criteria. It is important to note that there are associated fees with this process, with charges varying based on whether applicants require an out-of-state fingerprint card or notarization services.

Candidates must follow the Arizona Department of Education’s guidelines for obtaining a fingerprint clearance card, which includes submitting fingerprints electronically.

Application Process

The application process for Arizona Department of Education certification involves the following steps:

Step 1: Review Requirements

Applicants should review the requirement document for the certificates and other services they are seeking, to ensure that they have met the requirements and have the necessary documentation.

See this page for the most up-to-date requirements for various educator certifications, including PreK-12, substitute, JROTC, alternative teaching, adult education, international teaching, career and technical education, administrative, professional non-teaching, and emergency certificates. Failure to submit required documents may result in application delays.

The endorsements are attachments to teaching certificates for grades K-12, indicating specialization areas. They are automatically renewed and must be taken from an accredited institution. Optional endorsements may be required by local governing boards.

Approved subject areas are added to Standard Professional, International Teaching, Alternative Teaching, or Classroom-Based Standard Teaching certificates in elementary, middle grades, secondary, or special education. They authorize teaching in a departmentalized classroom within the prerequisite certificate’s grade range.

Renewable automatically with the certificate, these requirements may change. To apply, applicants must hold a prerequisite certificate and meet subject knowledge requirements.

Step 2: Obtain Arizona IVP Fingerprint Clearance Card

Teachers and classroom workers must have an Identify Verified Print (IVP) fingerprint clearance card, as per Arizona Revised Statute 15-506. To apply, visit the Arizona Department of Public Safety, create an account, or call (602) 223-2279 to order an IVP fingerprint packet. The DPS will submit the information to ADE. If the card doesn’t show an “IVP” number, contact AZDPS.

Step 3: Request Official Transcripts

To request official transcripts for a service, request them from your university or college. Electronic transcripts of a Bachelor’s or advanced degree should be submitted to or by mail.

For foreign transcripts, request a course-by-course evaluation from an approved Foreign Credential Evaluation Agency. Uploaded or email transcripts are not accepted.

Step 4: Submit Required Documents

The ADE Certification Unit requires certain documents to be submitted for an application. These include a name change document, an out-of-state educator certificate, an official passing score report for required AEPA/NES exams, and verification of professional development certificates.

The applicant must prepare a photocopy or scan and save the document as a PDF, GIF, or PNG for online submission. The verifying authority must submit these documents directly to

If submitting teaching experience, forward the Verification of PreK-12 Teaching Experience form to your school’s human resources office. If using a substantially similar out-of-state exam, forward the Verification of Out-of-State Exams form to the state licensure office that accepted the exams.

If using a Praxis exam, have your scores reported by ETS to the Arizona Department of Education and include a copy of the score report with your application. Additional information and documents may be required for certification services.

The applicant must submit a photocopy of their Arizona DPS IVP Fingerprint Clearance card and a photocopy of their Behavioral Health License if applicable.

Step 5: Apply for Certification

To apply for certification, follow these steps:

  • Complete steps 1-4
  • Apply online using Visa or Mastercard payment, or
  • Apply by mail to ADE – Certification.

Online applications are the quickest and easiest way to renew certificates and apply for initial certificates, approved areas, endorsements, certificate renewals, and deficiency removals.

Once steps 1-4 have been completed, the applicant is ready to apply for certification online or by mailing the completed application and payment to the ADE Certification Unit.

Fees for Application Submission

Fees for the certification submission are payment made by Visa or Mastercard for the online submission process and check or money order payment only for mailing the application. While the application fee varies, applicants must note that certification payments are non-refundable under Board Rule R7-2-618 (C).

Further information can be found on the Arizona Department of Education website, under the Certificates and Requirements page for complete guidance about application submission, processing, requirements, and fees.

Monitoring the Status of Your Application and Current Credentials

The AzEDCert Educator Portal allows users to track their current credentials and application status. Processing time is 3-4 weeks during September-April and 4-8 weeks during May-August.

If additional information is needed, regular mail will be provided. If requested documents are not received within the specified timeframe, the application will be closed and fees must be repaid.