Florida School Counselor Certification Renewal

School Counselor Certification

by School Counselor Certification Staff

Updated: September 17th, 2024

Certification Renewal Process for School Counselors

The renewal process for a Professional Certificate requires a renewal application and processing fee of $75, which must be submitted through the Certification Online account. The application must be received by the Bureau of Educator Certification before the expiration date of the Professional Certificate.

The renewal credit must be earned during the validity period and before the current Professional Certificate expires.

College-level credits used for renewal must be awarded by an accredited or approved institution and must be reflected on an official transcript. Alternatives to college credit, such as inservice points and examination scores, are not acceptable. A grade of at least “C” must be earned in each college course used for renewal. A Late Renewal Application may be submitted after the expiration date if all renewal credit, including the requirement for credit in teaching SWD, was completed before the certificate’s expiration date.

Florida School Counselors can renew their certification through an online application, a $75 fee, and proof of professional development activities. The application can be completed on the FLDOE website, and the fee includes proof of completion of in-service points in an approved Florida master in-service program or earned college credit. Additionally, proof of teaching a college-level course at an approved institution can be submitted. For more information or to speak with a renewal specialist, contact the Bureau of Bureau of Education Certification office at 850-245-9796.