Indiana Alternative School Counselor Certification

AKA: School Counselor Emergency Certification

School Counselor Certification

by School Counselor Certification Staff

Updated: November 21st, 2024

School Counselor Emergency Certification

An Emergency Permit (EP) for a School Counselor is typically needed when a school district is facing difficulty in staffing the school counseling position with a properly licensed educator (see Indiana Emergency Permits). The EP is a temporary credential issued to address the immediate need for a school counselor, even if the applicant does not hold the required license for the assignment.

Requirements for Emergency Permit (EP) for School Counselors

  • Education:

    • Bachelor’s Degree: A minimum of a Bachelor’s degree from a regionally accredited university is required.


    • Initial EP: 4,000 hours of non-teaching industry work experience, verified by a signed letter on business letterhead detailing responsibilities and hours.
    • EP Renewal: A full Professional Educator License for an instructional area or School Counseling, and two years of verified teaching or school counseling experience.


    • Valid CPR card from an IDOE-approved provider.
    • Suicide Prevention Certificate.

Process for Acquiring Emergency Permit (EP) for School Counselor

  • Application Submission: Original EP applications (including renewals) may not be submitted until after July 1st for the upcoming school year. The Office of Educator Licensing adheres to the four-week deadline for submission of an EP application. Download the Original EP application here and EP renewal application here.
  • Employer Approval: The school corporation is required to approve the EP application and indicate the date on which the applicant’s duties as a school counselor began.
  • Validity Period: The EP for school counselors is valid for one (1) school year and all EPs expire on June 30th. EPs should not be applied for before July 1st.
  • Renewal: EPs for school counselors can be renewed annually by the school employer if the EP holder can meet renewal requirements. Failure to meet renewal requirements may result in denial of the renewal application.
  • Demonstrating Progress toward Licensure: To renew an EP, the school counselor must provide proof of continuing progress toward achieving full licensure in the content area. This includes documenting coursework on official transcripts and ongoing attempts to complete testing requirements with official score reports.
  • Communication with the Office of Educator Licensing: In case of unique situations or challenges, the EP holder, along with the school employer/corporation representative, can discuss and determine the appropriate course of action with the Office of Educator Licensing Staff.

It’s important to note that Emergency Permits for School Counselors are not available in specific areas like Communications Disorders, Instructional: Driver & Traffic Safety, and School Services: School Psychologist.

Additionally, the EP holder is expected to work toward completing an approved program to obtain an Initial Practitioner license for School Counseling or add the content area(s) of the EP to an existing license.