Kansas School Counselor Certification Reciprocity

School Counselor Certification

by School Counselor Certification Staff

Updated: December 5th, 2024

Certification Reciprocity Process for School Counselors

The Kansas Department of Education facilitates the certification process for school specialists from out-of-state through two (2) distinct avenues:

The first option, the Initial Out-of-State School Specialist (see the application process here), necessitates a graduate degree with a minimum GPA of 3.25, completion of an approved program, possession of a valid out-of-state school counselor license, accredited experience, one (1) year of teaching experience or eight (8) semester credit hours within the last six (6) years, and a passing score of 156 or above on the Professional School Counselor Exam. Utilizing the Kansas Licensure Application System (KLAS), applicants can submit their applications online.

Comprehensive background checks from the Kansas Bureau of Investigation and the Federal Bureau of Investigation are mandatory, along with the submission of official transcripts, documentation of an approved program, out-of-state school counselor license, accredited experience, recency requirements, and the examination score. The application fee for out-of-state candidates is $70.

For those facing deficiencies in completing the required coursework, the provisional School Specialist certification offers flexibility, maintaining a similar application process but with a more comprehensive set of requirements (download the application here).

Initial School Specialist Application

    Requirements for Certification:

  • Graduate degree with a minimum GPA of 3.25.
  • Completion of an approved program.
  • Possession of a current valid out-of-state school counselor license.
  • Accredited experience.
  • Recency requirement: one (1) year of teaching experience or eight (8) semester credit hours completed within the last six (6) years.
  • A passing score of 156 or greater on the Professional School Counselor Exam (ETS Test Code 5421).

Application Process:

Background Checks:


  • Submit official transcripts showing completion of the graduate degree.
  • Provide proof of completion of an approved program.
  • Submit a copy of the out-of-state school counselor license.
  • Provide documentation of accredited experience and recency requirements.
  • Demonstrate passing score on the Professional School Counselor Exam.


  • Please submit a $60.00 Application Fee payable to the Kansas State Department of Education. Money orders or cashier’s checks are preferred, but personal checks are also accepted. Kindly refrain from sending cash.

Mail your payment to the Teacher Licensure and Accreditation, KSDE, located at the Landon State Office Building, 900 SW Jackson Street, Suite 106, Topeka, KS 66612-1212.

Provisional School Specialist Application

    Requirements for Certification:

  • Similar to the initial application, but with some flexibility in meeting the requirements.
  • Applicants may have deficiencies in completing the required coursework.

Application Process:

  • Complete the application online through the Kansas Licensure Application System (KLAS).
  • Follow similar steps as outlined for the initial application.

Background Checks:

  • Similar to the initial application, requiring criminal background checks with the Kansas Bureau of Investigation (KBI) and the Federal Bureau of Investigation.
  • See detailed fingerprinting instructions here.


  • Submit official transcripts showing completed coursework and any deficiencies.
  • Provide proof of previous licensure and experience.
  • Submit documentation of recency requirements and other relevant qualifications.


  • The application fee of $60.00 is similar to the initial school specialist application payable to the KSDE via money orders, cashier’s checks, or personal checks being mailed to the Teacher Licensure and Accreditation, Landon State Office Building, 900 SW Jackson Street, Suite 106, Topeka, KS 66612-1212.

These avenues provide options for individuals coming from out-of-state to apply for school specialist certification in Kansas, with the initial application pathway requiring a more comprehensive set of requirements compared to the provisional application pathway, which offers some flexibility for applicants with deficiencies in meeting the requirements.

It is essential to note that the processing fee is non-refundable and does not guarantee the issuance of a license. Please be aware that KSDE has transitioned away from printing and mailing paper licenses.