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Kentucky does not have full reciprocity regarding educator certification (see Kentucky’s overview of certification for out-of-state candidates), as each state has its unique requirements and regulations. As part of the National Association of State Directors of Teacher Education and Certification (NASDTEC) Interstate Agreement, Kentucky accepts recommendations from teacher preparation programs from state-accredited colleges and universities in many states.
Out-of-state applicants must have completed a state-approved teacher preparation program at a regionally accredited educator preparation institution or a state-approved alternative training program. Candidates must also comply with state ancillary requirements such as GPA, testing, and internship.
The Kentucky Department of Education acknowledges the validity of out-of-state school counseling credentials for the initial Provisional School Counselor license. The application process entails the submission of a completed profile, official transcripts, a current license copy, and examination score verification, accompanied by an $85 licensure application fee.
To apply for certification, applicants must create/log in to their account in the new KECS system and click on “Start an Application” on the Dashboard page. A certification fee of $85 will be required as the final step before submitting the electronic application. Official transcripts must be submitted in addition to the application, either by mail on official transcript paper to KDE Certification or electronically sent directly from the institution’s third-party transcript provider to KDELicensure@education.ky.gov.
Kentucky state regulation 16 KAR 4:030 requires out-of-state graduates to provide a copy of their out-of-state teaching certificate or a printed copy from that state’s website verifying that they have obtained certification in the state where their program was completed. If candidates have tested outside of Kentucky, they must select the Kentucky Education Professional Standards Board (code 7283) to have ETS electronically submit their scores to the office.
Kentucky does not recognize teaching credentials gained in another state only by passing an assessment. Applicants must meet the requirements of Kentucky regulations regarding out-of-state preparation as found in 16 KAR 4:030.
For individuals transitioning from another state, two (2) certification avenues exist:
Note: Kentucky does not acknowledge teaching credentials solely acquired through the passage of an assessment in another state.
For further support, contact a certification specialist at kdelicensure@education.ky.gov or reach the Certification and Preparation office at (502)-564-4606 during regular business hours.