Maine Initial School Counselor Certification

AKA: Professional School Counselor Certificate, Conditional School Counselor Certificate

School Counselor Certification

by School Counselor Certification Staff

Updated: December 20th, 2024

Maine Initial School Counselor Certification Requirements

There are two types of certification for school counselors in Maine, Professional and Conditional. The licensure pathway for each certificate (under umbrella term of “education specialist”) entails similar requirements for both the Professional (5-year) and Conditional (3-year) certificates. Applicants must fulfill educational criteria, including coursework aligned with Council for Accreditation of Counseling and Related Educational Programs (CACREP) standards covering foundational, contextual, and practical aspects of school counseling. Additionally, completion of approved courses addressing teaching exceptional students and classroom diversity is mandatory.

The Professional certificate requires an advanced degree from an approved Maine program or accredited institution, while the Conditional certificate mandates at least a bachelor’s degree and enrollment into an approved master’s program in school counseling. Both certificates are valid for their respective terms, with the Conditional certificate serving as a provisional credential until all requirements for the Professional certificate are met. Applicants for the Conditional certificate must complete 24 graduate semester hours in school counselor education along with a criminal history record check.

These requirements ensure that certified school counselors are equipped to address the diverse needs of students and contribute meaningfully to educational environments in Maine (see Maine’s administrative code regulating the certification process).

Education or Degree Requirements

Maine Professional School Counselor Certificate (5-Year)

Applicants must possess an advanced degree (Master’s or Doctorate) from an approved Maine school counseling program dedicated to school counselor preparation or from an accredited college or university.

Key areas covered include:

  • Foundations such as models of school counseling, career development, pre-K-12 assessment, and school-based collaboration.
  • Contextual dimensions covering the role of school counselors, family consultation, emergency response, behavioral disorder risk factors, substance use disorder effects, community resources, and legal and ethical considerations.
  • The practice of school counseling, including program design and evaluation, academic interventions, student transition planning, equity in student outcomes, advocacy, and data-driven decision-making.
  • Additional courses focusing on teaching students with exceptionalities in regular classrooms and content addressing the diverse nature of today’s classrooms are required. (see Admin Code)

Maine Conditional School Counselor Certificate (3-Year)

Applicants must possess at least a bachelors degree from an accredited college or university. They also must be enrolled in an approved program for school counselor education or active participation in graduate coursework for school counselor education.

Specifics of the education requirement also include:

  • Completing a minimum of 24 graduate semester hours in school counselor education coursework aligned with CACREP standards.
  • Similar to the Professional Certificate, additional courses addressing teaching students with exceptionalities in regular classrooms and content focused on the diversity prevalent in today’s classrooms are required.

Tips for Success:

  • Networking: Connect with professionals in the field, join counseling associations, and attend conferences to build a network and stay informed about the latest trends and requirements.
  • Stay Updated: Keep abreast of changes in education policies and counseling standards in Maine.
  • Professional Development: Engage in continuous learning and professional development to enhance your skills and knowledge.
  • Seek Guidance: Consult with academic advisors, experienced counselors, and certification authorities for personalized guidance.

Experience Requirements

Both certifications do not explicitly mention experience requirements. However, it is important to note that practical experience in counseling, particularly in educational settings, can significantly enhance an applicant’s qualifications and competitiveness.

Applicants are encouraged to seek out internships, practicums, or volunteer opportunities in school counseling or related fields to gain hands-on experience working with students, educators, and families. Additionally, involvement in professional organizations, workshops, and conferences can provide valuable networking opportunities and professional development.

Overall, gaining practical experience alongside meeting educational requirements can help individuals prepare for successful careers as school counselors and meet the criteria for obtaining either the Maine Professional School Counselor Certificate or the Maine Conditional School Counselor Certificate.

Testing Requirements

The testing requirements for the Guidance Counselor endorsement (Code 075) at the K-12 grade level include achieving a minimum score of 156 on the PRAXIS II test with test code 5421, which is named Professional School Counselor (Educational Specialist; Ch. 13).

To register for the PRAXIS II Professional School Counselor exam, you must visit the Educational Testing Service (ETS) official website, the organization responsible for administering PRAXIS exams. You can find detailed information about the exam, registration procedures, test dates, study materials, and other relevant details on the ETS website.

On the ETS website, you’ll be able to access the following information:

  • Registration Procedures: Step-by-step instructions on how to register for the exam, including creating an account, selecting test dates and locations, and paying the registration fee.
  • Test Description: Overview of the Professional School Counselor exam, including the content covered, format of the exam, and sample questions.
  • Study Materials: Access to official study guides, practice tests, and other resources to help you prepare for the exam.
  • Test Dates and Locations: Information about upcoming test dates and available testing centers where you can take the exam.
  • Scores and Reporting: Details about how scores are reported, including score release dates and how to access your score report online.

By visiting the ETS website, you’ll have all the necessary information and resources to successfully register for and prepare for the PRAXIS II Professional School Counselor exam (School Guidance Counseling).

Background Checks

A background check is required for certification to ensure the safety and suitability of individuals working in educational settings. It helps identify any criminal history that may pose a risk to students or the school community.

To meet the background check requirements outlined by the Maine Department of Education, applicants must follow these steps (see Maine’s Dept of Ed fingerprinting overview):

  • Create a MEIS account: Visit the MEIS website and follow the provided instructions to create an account.
  • Submit a CHRC – non-teaching approval application: Complete the Application for Initial Educational Approval, which includes initiating the criminal background check process. This step requires a $15 processing fee.
  • Register for fingerprinting: Follow the instructions on the Maine Department of Education fingerprinting webpage to register for a fingerprint appointment through IdentoGO.
  • Check the status of fingerprints: Provide your last name and the last 4 digits of your Social Security Number to inquire about the status of your fingerprints.

Associated fees: $15 processing fee for submitting the Application for Initial Educational Approval.

For additional inquiries or assistance regarding the Maine Department of Education criminal background checking, applicants can contact a certification specialist via email at or by calling (207) 624-6600 during normal business hours.

Application Process

All applications can be completed online through the Maine Educator Information System (MEIS). The application fee for the Maine School Counselor license is $100.

The application process for obtaining a Maine School Counselor license involves the following steps:


  • Review your official transcript for notes regarding the approved program. If not found, be prepared to submit a verification of the approved program form (find forms here).
  • Familiarize yourself with endorsement codes if applying for an endorsement.
  • Check if you have previously submitted transcripts; resend only if there are updates or new transcripts.
  • Upload other documents (test scores, contact hours, etc.) as PDFs during the online application process.
  • If you have transcripts from international colleges, submit a foreign transcript course by course evaluation from an NACES member.


Gather all required materials including:

  • Completed approval form for fingerprinting and criminal history records check.
  • Initial certification application.
  • Official transcripts from all colleges/universities attended.
  • Proof of passing score for the Professional School Counselor (ETS 5421) exam.
  • $100 application fee for the license.


  • To complete your application for the Maine School Counselor license, it is necessary to submit all required documents by mail. Consolidate all the necessary materials into a single packet and send the completed application and supporting documents to the Certification Office at the Department of Education. The mailing address is 23 State House Station, Augusta, ME 04333-0023. This ensures that your application is comprehensive and includes all essential components for the certification process.

If you have any inquiries or require assistance throughout the application procedure, you can reach out to the Maine Department of Education during regular business hours at (207) 624-6600.