Certification Renewal Process for Montana School Counselors
In Montana, school counselors are required to complete ongoing professional growth and development throughout their careers. Certification renewal is the process adds accountability to this mandate.
Renewal can be achieved through two (2) primary avenues: accruing 60 professional development units (PDUs) within the five (5)-year validity period of the license, or by accumulating semester/quarter college credits equivalent to the PDUs required (see OPI’s renewal overview).
The submission of renewal application process has been streamlined with the advent of the TeachMT (TMT) licensing system, offering educators a user-friendly online platform to manage their renewal process efficiently. Within TMT, educators can proactively input their PDUs, upload accompanying certificates for secure storage, and seamlessly navigate the application submission process.
The renewal deadline extends beyond the license expiration date, allowing educators flexibility until August 31st to complete the renewal process. Moreover, educators seeking to reinstate lapsed licenses can do so by meeting specific criteria, including completing requisite professional development units and a mandatory online course.
With clear guidelines and accessible resources provided by the Montana Office of Public Instruction (OPI), educators can confidently embark on their renewal journey, ensuring compliance with state regulations while advancing their professional expertise. Follow below to explore the school counselor renewal pathways:
Renewal Pathways
1. Renewal with Professional Development Units (PDUs):
- Accumulate 60 professional development units (PDUs) or a combination of PDUs and semester/quarter college credits.
- PDUs must be earned within five (5) years of the validity of the license up to August 31st the year the license expires.
2. Renewal with College/University Credits:
- Similar to the above pathway, but instead of PDUs, you can use semester/quarter college credits.
- Each semester credit is worth 15 PDUs, and each quarter credit is worth 10 PDUs.
Renewal Application Submission
Renewal applications are now submitted online through the TeachMT (TMT) licensing system:
- You can enter your PDUs ahead of time in TMT.
- You can also upload your PDU certificates as attachments for secure storage.
- If renewing multiple licenses, select all license types you are renewing at the same time in TMT to create one application for all licenses.
Application Review and Processing:
- Once your application is submitted, it will be reviewed by licensing staff.
- If audited, you may need to provide original renewal unit certificates.
- Turnaround time for processing is typically 24 hours unless audited.
Renewal Deadline:
- The license expires on June 30th, but the renewal deadline is extended until August 31st.
- You can apply for renewal any time after January 1st the year your license expires.
Renewal Application Fee:
- A non-refundable renewal fee of $85.00 is accepted only via electronic payment method.
- Payment is required during the application process in the TeachMT (TMT) licensure system.
- Applicants are responsible for payment, except for Emergency Authorization of Employment. School districts applying are responsible for payment in that case.
- The payment does not apply to future or corrected applications; it must be paid with each submission.
- Original renewal unit certificates should be kept by educators in case of audit during the renewal application process.
- Additionally, certificates for professional development activities can be uploaded as attachments into the Professional Development section of the educator record in TMT.
Reinstatement of Lapsed License:
- If a license has lapsed, educators can apply for reinstatement if they have earned at least 60 professional development units within the last five (5) years.
- Reinstatement applications also require completion and verification of the free, online course: “An Introduction to Indian Education for All in Montana.”
- Reinstatement applications are submitted through the TeachMT (TMT) licensing system, and all required documents can be uploaded directly into the application.
Always ensure to review the specific requirements and guidelines provided by the Montana Office of Public Instruction (OPI) and consult their website or contact them directly for any updates or clarifications at (406)-444-3150 during normal business hours.