Utah School Counseling Degree Programs
AKA: Utah School Counseling Degree Programs
School Counselor Certification has analyzed data from 2 schools who offer degree programs in the field of school counseling.
While school counselors in Utah average $68,586 (Bureau of Labor Statistics - 2023) and salaries are projected to grow 29.2% from 2022 to 2032, you may feel any school will do. However, assessing your options is always worthwhile.
Filter Utah’s schools offering programs in school/guidance counseling by type of university and rank by institution statistics such as tuition, admission rate, graduation rate and SAT scores.
When selecting a school counseling program in Utah, consider these key aspects:
By carefully considering these factors, you can select a school counseling program in Utah that will equip you with the knowledge, skills, and experiences needed to make a positive impact on students’ lives.
Data Source:
Dept. of Education - 2025
School Counseling Universities/Colleges in Utah
Degree Levels Offered
Salary 1 Year After Graduation
Program fields may include:
Type of Institution
Private nonprofit
Total Enrollment
Accredited By:
Northwest Commission on Colleges and Universities
Graduation Rate:
In-State Tuition:
Out-of-State Tuition:
Average Cost (tuition, fees, books, supplies and living expenses - minus grant/scholarship aid):
Applicants Accepted:
Average SAT Score:
Average SAT Reading Score:
Average SAT Math Score: