National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI)

School Counselor's Toolbox - 2025

National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI)





School Counselor Certification

by School Counselor Certification Staff

Updated: October 24th, 2024

The National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) website provides comprehensive information and resources about mental health conditions, support services, and advocacy.

National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI)

The National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) website provides comprehensive information and resources about mental health conditions, support services, and advocacy.

The National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) website provides comprehensive information and resources about mental health conditions, support services, and advocacy.

Understanding Mental Health

  • Learning About Different Mental Illnesses: The NAMI website provides in-depth information on various mental health conditions, including symptoms, causes, and treatment options. This knowledge can help counselors identify potential issues in students and offer appropriate guidance.
  • Understanding the Impact of Mental Health on Students: The website also discusses how mental health conditions can affect students’ academic performance, social interactions, and overall well-being. This information can help counselors provide targeted support and resources.

Supporting Students

  • Identifying Students in Need: Counselors can use the NAMI website to learn about signs and symptoms of mental health conditions. This knowledge can help them recognize students who may be struggling and initiate conversations about their concerns.
  • Providing Resources: The website offers a comprehensive directory of mental health resources, including support groups, hotlines, and treatment facilities. Counselors can share these resources with students and their families to help them access the support they need.
  • Advocating for Students: The NAMI website provides information on mental health advocacy and policy. Counselors can use this information to advocate for students’ needs and ensure that they have access to the support and services they deserve.

Working with Parents and Families

  • Educating Parents and Families: The NAMI website offers resources for parents and families of individuals with mental health conditions. Counselors can share these resources with parents to help them understand their child’s experience and provide support.
  • Facilitating Family Meetings: Counselors can use the NAMI website to learn about effective communication strategies and problem-solving techniques. This information can help them facilitate family meetings and support healthy family relationships.

Professional Development

  • Staying Informed About Mental Health Trends: The NAMI website provides updates on mental health research, policy, and best practices. Counselors can use this information to stay informed about the latest developments in the field and incorporate new strategies into their work.
  • Connecting with Other Professionals: The website offers a community of mental health professionals who can share experiences, resources, and support. Counselors can connect with other professionals to learn from their expertise and build a network of support.
  • Advocating for Mental Health Services in Schools: The NAMI website provides information on advocacy for mental health services in schools. Counselors can use this information to advocate for increased funding, resources, and support for students with mental health needs.