Delaware School Counselor Certification Renewal

School Counselor Certification

by School Counselor Certification Staff

Updated: September 13th, 2024

Delaware School Counselor Certification Renewal

The Delaware Department of Education (DOE) allows 4 separate renewal, or upgrade, pathways. They are as follows:

  • Active Initial License Upgrade
  • Active Continuing License Renewal
  • Active Advanced License Renewal
  • Expired Continuing License Renewal

Follow below to learn of the specifics for each process:

Active Initial License Upgrade

To upgrade your teaching license from “Initial” to “Continuing,” you’ll need to meet a few requirements:

  1. Complete your mentoring program: If required, finish the approved mentoring program. Your HR department or the Comprehensive Induction Program (CIP) website can provide more details.
  2. Have no more than one unsatisfactory evaluation: During your initial license period, you can’t have more than one bad annual performance review.
  3. Complete annual evaluations: You’ll need to successfully complete yearly evaluations.

Your school district will handle this process. Once you’ve met all these requirements, your district will update your records to show that you’ve completed both the mentoring program and the necessary evaluations. This means you’re ready to move from an Initial to a Continuing License.

Active Continuing License Renewal

Here’s what you need to do to renew your Delaware teaching license (Continuing License):


  • Mentoring Program (if required): Complete the approved mentoring program, if your license requires it.
  • Professional Development: Earn 90 clock hours of professional development activities. At least half of these hours (45) should be related to your work with students or staff.
  • Clock Hour Approval: Make sure your professional development activities meet the requirements outlined in Delaware Administrative Code 1511 (available online).

Submitting Your Renewal:

  1. Upload Documentation: Upload details of your completed professional development hours to your DEEDS Educator Dashboard, under the “Clock Hours” tab.
  2. Verification:
    • Public/Charter School: If you work for a Delaware public or charter school, your HR department will review and approve your clock hours.
    • Non-Public/Charter School: If you don’t work for a public/charter school, the Department of Education will review and approve your hours.

Important Dates:

  • Your professional development hours must be earned during your current Continuing License period.
  • The hours must be approved before you can receive your renewed license.

Applying for Renewal:

  1. DEEDS Dashboard: Approximately six months before your license expires, a “Renew My License/Permit” button will appear on your DEEDS Educator Dashboard under “What Can I Do Today?”. Click this button to begin the renewal process.
  2. Criminal Background Check: The DEEDS system will guide you through a criminal conviction disclosure process.

Remember: Renewals are typically available six months before your license expires. Don’t wait until the last minute to start the process!

Active Advanced License Renewal

To renew your Advanced License, follow these steps:

  1. Complete the National Board Renewal Process: Ensure your National Board Certification is up-to-date (see National Board Renewal Process here).
  2. Submit Documentation:
    • If employed by a Delaware public/charter school, send a copy of your new National Board Certificate or letter to the human resources office.
    • If not employed by a Delaware public/charter school, send it to the Department.
  3. Start the Renewal Process:
    • Log into your DEEDS Educator Dashboard.
    • Click the “Renew My License/Permit” button (located in the upper right-hand corner).
    • DEEDS will guide you through the criminal conviction disclosure process.
    • This option becomes available about six months before your license expires.

Important Notes:

  • Your new license will be automatically emailed to you at the end of the month your license expires.
  • If you don’t renew your National Board Certification, you’ll receive a Continuing License and need to meet its requirements.
  • Failure to renew your National Board certification or meet recertification requirements will result in a Continuing License and a 90-hour clock hour requirement.

Expired Continuing License Renewal


  • Your Continuing License must have expired no more than five years before applying for renewal.
  • If expired for more than five years, you’ll need to apply for an Initial License by calling the Licensure and Certification Department (302-857-3388) and meeting current requirements.


  • 90 Clock Hour Professional Development:
    • At least 45 hours must be related to your work with students or staff.
    • Hours must be from the past five years.
    • Follow the requirements outlined in 14 DE Admin. Code 1511.
    • Contact the DOE when you’ve completed 90 hours to start the renewal process.
  • Submit Requirements:
    • Submit proof of completed requirements (14 DE Admin. Code 1511) to the Department via DEEDS with your renewal application.
  • Comprehensive Induction Program (Mentoring):

Renewal Process:

  • Log into your DEEDS Educator Dashboard.
  • Click the “Renew My License/Permit” button (upper right-hand corner).
  • DEEDS will guide you through the criminal conviction disclosure process.
  • Your new license will be emailed at the end of the month your license expires.