Arkansas Initial School Counselor Certification

School Counselor Certification

by School Counselor Certification Staff

Updated: September 6th, 2024

School Counselor Initial License in Arkansas: A Step-by-Step Guide

The Initial School Counselor License is designed for individuals who have not previously been licensed as a counselor in Arkansas. This route requires the completion of a recognized school counselor preparation program, which includes coursework, field experiences, and passing a state-approved exam.

Education or Degree Requirements

To obtain an Initial School Counselor License in Arkansas:

  • Obtain a Master’s degree in school counseling and guidance from an approved institution.


  • If you hold a master’s degree in a mental health area of licensure other than guidance and school counseling, you should complete an ADE-approved graduate, non-degree program of study in guidance and school counseling.

Examination for Initial License

The exam is based on the ASCA School Counselor Professional Standards and Competencies. It covers history, role, human development, ethical principles, interventions, consultation, and collaboration. It also tests knowledge of research-based counseling practices and the ability to apply knowledge to school situations. To qualify with the same, you have to:

  • Achieve a qualifying score of 156 on the Praxis Requirements for Professional School Counselor 5421.

Also, meet one of the following criteria:

  • Attain a score of 160 on the Principles of Learning and Teaching: Grades K–6 5622.
  • Achieve a score of 160 on the Principles of Learning and Teaching: Grades 5–9 5623.
  • Obtain a score of 157 on the Principles of Learning and Teaching: Grades 7–12 5624.

How to Register for a Praxis Test:

The fastest and most convenient registration method for a Praxis exam is through your Praxis account.

  • Review the Praxis Tests Information Bulletin (PDF) to access essential registration information, fee details, and payment regulations before you start the registration process.
  • Check the Arkansas testing regulations to determine which specific tests you need to take.
  • Explore the availability and requirements for at-home testing if your chosen test permits it.
  • Verify that you meet the ID criteria and possess a valid ID for registration. Keep in mind that some test takers might need to follow an alternative registration process, so familiarize yourself with the applicable policies.

Contact 1-800-772-9476 at least four days before your test date to complete your registration and make payment. Payment options include credit/debit card, eCheck, or PayPal.

If you have registered for a test center appointment, access your admission ticket from your Praxis account and ensure you bring it with you to the test center. Please be aware that a $35 surcharge is applicable to your registration.

Accommodations for People with Disabilities:

For information regarding PLNE Accommodations, consult the Bulletin (PDF).

If you require accommodations for the Braille Proficiency Assessment or American Sign Language Proficiency Interview, adhere to the specified requirements.

Background Checks

A background check is required to ensure the safety and well-being of students. Details on the background check process can be found on the ADE website. Fees may apply.

Arkansas State, FBI, and Child Maltreatment Central Registry background checks are mandatory in the following situations:

  1. For student teaching internships.
  2. When applying for first-time licensure.
  3. During licensure renewals.
  4. When seeking first-time employment in public schools, charter schools, or education service cooperatives.
  5. In case of changes in employment in the aforementioned educational settings.

Application Process

The Arkansas Department of Education offers various teacher license options, such as standard, provisional, reciprocal, name changes, renewals, corrections, non-traditional, duplicates, lifetime licenses, testing out areas, adding degrees, and changing addresses. License fees can be paid online or by attaching a money order or cashier’s check. Incomplete applications will not be processed.

The application process should be completed online on the Arkansas Department of Education website.

Information about Educator Licensure levels and areas is available on their website. For more details, reach out to the Office of Educator Licensure at

If you require a paper application, email the Office of Educator Licensure at

For additional assistance with your school counseling licensure application, contact the Department of Education at 501-682-4342 during regular business hours (CST), or explore the Arkansas rules governing educator licensing.